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Read what other patients have said about us:

Kerry C, Rochester

I had a wonderful experience with the Dr. and team here today. Came for my yearly cleaning and will be back.

Jonathan Phillips, Canandaigua, NY

It had been along time since I had dental work done. In the past I have had trouble with inadequate treatment. Dr. Ames and her staff was able to get me in and take care of all my dental needs. Definitely recommend Dr. Ames and her staff for you dental needs.

Kevin M, Rochester

Dr. Amy and the staff are really great! The hygienist and assistant are very pleasant, helpful and thorough. Dr. Ames really did an excellent job, not only addressing the new issue I was experiencing, but also addressing an issue that had remained from a previous dentist I used to go to. The team worked quickly, but did not rush anything, and I could not be happier with the results. I would highly recommend Dr. Ames :-)

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